Energy Community Heating and Cooling Network
Web portal dedicated to experts and other stakeholders interested in Heating & Cooling.
Discussion fora, exchange of practices between Heating &Cooling network members.
Smart way forward for the Energy Community . Promoting new, clean energy in the heating and cooling industry.
- A roadmap for policy support for heating and cooling decarbonisationThe EU recognised that the decarbonisation of heating and cooling (H&C) is a key priority for meeting the EU energy and climate targets. H&C accounts for about half of the final energy demand in the EU, with fuels almost 80 […]
- Implications of the EU’s “Fit for 55” package for your heating networkEuroheat & Power analysed implications of the EU’s “Fit for 55” package, proposed on 14 July 2021, for the heating sector. The paper summarizes in six points what district heating companies can expect under the new EU proposal. One of […]
- Joint GIZ and Energy Community Carbon Pricing Training SeriesThe Energy Community Secretariat and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) are kicking off their Carbon Pricing Training Series in January 2022. District heating companies of Contracting Parties using fossil fuels and emitting GHG emissions, as well as other […]